S y n o p s i s
No Matter What is a personal short documentary exploring my relationship with my mum, and themes of motherhood, loss & love more broadly. The film utilises a blend of personal archive footage and new footage shot at my family home in Liverpool. I made this film independently, tackling all aspects of production and post-production myself.
No Matter What was my first venture into documentary, and I discovered a passion for the form in the making of this film. It was quite challenging on a personal level to be so vulnerable & intimate with the content of my work, but it pushed my practice in new ways and really ignited my love for telling 'real stories'. My aspiration to create films that give voice to marginalised groups was born out of this project.
No Matter What was selected to be screened as part of LMF's Sandbox Showcase Festival in November 2024, and received much acclaim from the audience.
Watch No Matter What here: https://youtu.be/Mw-j8u1Snlc